Friday, April 16, 2010

Gossip Girl Talk

Ever since watching the 17th episode of gossip girl last week, my heart raced whenever I see either chuck or blair on screen. In my opinion, the couple was rather boring to watch throughout season 3. I don't know what I want, I longed for their admitting to their feelings in the first two seasons, and they fought through skies and seas to finally be together in season 3, and I'm not satisfied? I can't figure out if I want them to be peaceful with each other or keep struggling through their complicated past. Oh well, at least I'm excited for gossip girl again :)

Let me know if any of you are a gossip girl fan too, or even better a chuck and blair fan! Haha, seriously, they're almost the only reason why I watch the show religiously.

Today, my bf and I decided to cook ourselves some steaks and veges for the first time. Surprisingly it turned out not bad :) yummmm

Much Love <3

1 comment:

Dian Prad said...

nice seeing your editorial, nice blog.
Im big fans of Chuck and Blair TOoo!! :)
yeah for me, they're the main couple in GG ...
the reason i enjoyed GG

come visit mine blog
dont hesistate to follow me if you love mine blog

dian prad