Monday, July 11, 2011

Tea Time at Windsor Arms

I finally went to have tea with my friend Steph at Windsor Arms! I've read some reviews while researching and was super excited to go. Although I had a fun time, the tea menu was a bit underwhelming. Our reservation was at 5:30pm on Sunday. We were a little early so we walked around the hotel to take pictures. We saw that there was a table of girls having tea that were wearing really pretty hats! Me and Steph felt underdressed haha
Seems like there were 3 different tea rooms. The room I was in had black walls with white accent pieces. The room that led to it was mostly cream colours. And I saw another red room.
To be honest, I'm quite a noob in drinking tea. I just randomly selected one that's called "Once Upon a Tea" The taste was quite interesting. There was chocolate and mint in it. I think I preferred to add milk with it though.
We ordered the Complete Tea. The first tier includes the "Petite Fours" They looked really cute, but I don't think they're awesomely amazing. The second tier are the sandwiches. My favourite one was the Smoked Salmon and Wasabi Sour Cream with Salmon Caviar. I was expecting that the looks of them would be even more delicate :S The last tier includes the scones, which I'm not a big fan of anyway.
Towards the end of the tea time, we were served with the "Berries with Whipped Cream" which really was nothing special.
Me and Steph being silly! ;P

Overall, I think it's quite over price for the food. I went on a sunday so it was weekend price. If you work around downtown, it might be a good idea to go during weekdays to save a few bucks :) We are planning to go to Old Mills Inn to check out their Tea Time next. I'll let you girls know my thoughts after!


Kalmo said...

Aw it's nice that you went for tea. I've only been twice but it's super fun. I agree that is usually is overpriced but I guess it's for the atmosphere. LOL The food looks pretty.

Miss Jayce said...

this is the cutest thing ever! i gotta do this with my girlfriends!! thanks for the post hun!

milk tea girl said...

aw omg high tea in toronto~~i have to try it out as well~~the atmosphere is very nice tho!

Unknown said...

That looks pretty good though! Is is a really high end place? lol I am a tea noob too besides drinking my dad's dimsum Bo-Lei. haha I love the middle picture of you and Steph the most - you're right on top of that tallest 'petite four" lol

Lisa said...

so cute!! your tea time looks really adorable.. i love your lace chiffon top!!

mizzsandychau said...

ooo they look so cute! i still haven't gone high tea-ing before :( any good places you can suggest to me?

PinkOrchids said...

I love high tea! (that's what we call it in UK), The food looks so yummy! It tends to be overpriced for such little food! But it's a cool experience nonetheless! xX

Mei めい said...

the cakes look yummy ! :9

Cher said...

Oh looks very fancy, the setting is lovely. I have such an aversion to fancy places, most times I think it's overpriced food but you're paying for the ambiance of it all.

Still great pictures and looks like you had a lovely time and that's all that matters.

Susie said...

Ooo, fancy ;) Their pastries are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try high tea, and I've actually been looking in to Windsor Arms! Although after your review of the food, I may have to reconsider.. Stay away from Old Mills Inn! They have really terrible service..

Mimi said...

that seems like such a fun tea time! i know there's a tea house somewhere here in LA, but i have yet to check it out. :)

p.s. come and join my Perricone giveaway! :)

<3, Mimi

Joey said...

Awww I really want to have tea time with my girlies, too. The little cakes look yummeh! Do post about your next one :)

Mary said...

If you like having high tea you HAVE to try the afternoon tea at the Royal York Hotel in downtown toronto. AMAZING.

??? said...

im gonan try it out as soon as my bestie is back...i was thinking of going to MoRoCo, but my recent purchase there made me think otherwise...but Windsor arm is definitely on my list...


Marie said...

What a fancy and relaxing way to spend a Sunday!:D Thanks for sharing these pictures, these make me wanna have tea right now.;D

I hope you are having a good week so far!:D

***** Marie *****

Jillian said...

these desserts look so delicious!!
lovely blog btw :]

The Fashion Cycle

The Mad Twins said...

It looks wonderful and delicious, sadly you didn't liked it that much :)
I hope to find something like it here, because I think it's so amazing, or it looks that way :)
Let me know how Old Mills Inn was :)


ChiffonLaceLeather said...

I love high tea with my girlfriends. It looks like you had a good time.

Chiffon, Lace and Leather Fashion Blog

TubeHeritage បេតិកភណ្ឌ said...

I love ur pictures...